LO 62.3: Explain implications of using the CAPM to value assets, including

LO 62.3: Explain implications of using the CAPM to value assets, including equilibrium and optimal holdings, exposure to factor risk, its treatment of diversification benefits, and shortcomings of the CAPM.
Implications of Using the CAPM
The CAPM holds six important lessons.
Lesson 1: Hold the factor, not the individual asset.
In a CAPM world, stocks are held in proportion to their market capitalization, where the sole factor is the market portfolio. The market portfolio can be constructed by holding many assets, which helps diversify away idiosyncratic (firm-specific) risk, leaving only systematic (market) risk. Individual stocks have risk premiums, which compensate investors for being exposed to the market factor. Market risk affects all investors exposed to the market portfolio.
According to the CAPM, investors do not wish to hold assets in isolation, because diversification improves the risk-return profile of a portfolio. The concept is simple: diversification helps ensure that bad returns from one asset will be offset by the returns of
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other assets that perform well. This also improves Sharpe ratios (i.e., risk premium divided by total risk). Investors continue to diversify until they are left with the market portfolio, which represents the optimal diversified portfolio.
Mean-variance efficient portfolio. Portfolio diversification and Sharpe ratios can be graphically represented by the mean-variance efficient frontier. When investors hold portfolios that combine the risky asset and the risk-free asset, the various risk-return combinations are represented by the capital allocation line (CAL). The risky asset in this case is the mean-variance efficient (MVE) market portfolio, which is efficient because it represents the maximum Sharpe ratio given investors preferences. The specific combination of the risk-free asset and MVE portfolio depends on investors risk aversions.
Figure 1: Capital Allocation Line
Equilibrium. In equilibrium, demand for an asset equals supply, and since under the CAPM all investors hold the risky MVE market portfolio, the market is the factor. For equilibrium to happen, someone must hold the MVE portfolio as the risky asset. If no investor held the risky asset, the risky asset must be overpriced, and its expected return must be too low. This situation cannot represent an equilibrium state. Since under CAPM the expected payoff of an asset remains constant, the assets expected return must increase as its price falls. In equilibrium, the risk factor is the market, and it has a risk premium. The market factor is a function of investor risk aversions and utilities, and risk premiums will not disappear since investors cannot use arbitrage to remove systematic risk.
Lesson 2: Investors have their own optimal factor risk exposures.
Every investor holds the same risky MVE market portfolio, but the proportion in which they hold it differs. Investors hold different combinations of the risk-free asset and the risky portfolio, representing various positions along the CAL.
Lesson 3: The average investor is fully invested in the market.
An investor with an average risk aversion would hold 100% of the risky MVE market portfolio, which represents the tangency point of the MVE frontier and the CAL. The average investors risk aversion is, therefore, the risk aversion of the market.
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Lesson 4: Exposure to factor risk must be rewarded.
When all investors invest in the same risky MVE portfolio, the CAL for an investor is called the capital market line (CML) in equilibrium. The risk premium of the CML depends on an investors risk aversion and the volatility of the market portfolio:
E(Rm ) – R f = ‘fXCT^1
where E(RM) Rp is the market risk premium, 1 is the average investors risk aversion, and cr^ is the market portfolios variance. During volatile market times (e.g., the 20072009 financial crisis), equity prices typically fall and expected returns increase. In the CAPM world, the risk premium is proportional to the market variance. Because market variance removes all idiosyncratic risk, the remaining systematic risk should be rewarded through the risk premium. When the average investors risk aversion increases, the market risk premium should also increase.
Lesson 5: Risk is measured as beta exposure.
An individual assets risk is measured as factor exposure to the asset, and higher factor exposures to the asset indicate higher expected returns (assuming the risk premium is positive). The risk premium of an individual asset is derived under the CAPM formula using beta pricing to construct the security market line (SML). The formula states that:
= S ^ m ) x [E(Rm ) – R f ] var(RM)

Pi x [E(Rm ) ~ ^ f
where Ri is the individual stocks return, Rp is the risk-free rate, and beta is a function of the market variance and the assets co-movement with the market: [pi = cov(Rj, RM) / var(RM)]. Higher co-movements denote higher betas, which correspond to higher risk premiums. Whereas previously we looked at systematic risk and diversification, beta looks at idiosyncratic risk and the lack of diversification.
Higher betas imply lower diversification benefits. Investors tend to find high betas (high sensitivities to market returns) unattractive, and, therefore, want to be compensated with higher expected returns. On the other hand, low beta assets are valuable because they do comparatively well when markets perform poorly, offering significant diversification benefits. During the financial crisis, certain assets (safe havens like gold and government bonds) became so attractive that they had negative expected returns. This meant investors actually paid to hold these assets!
Lesson 6: Valuable assets have low risk premiums.
The CAPM risk premium represents the reward investors receive for holding the asset in bad times. Since the market portfolio is the risk factor, bad times indicate low market returns. Assets that have losses during periods of low market returns have high betas, which
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indicates they are risky and, therefore, should have high risk premiums. Low beta assets have positive payoffs when the market performs poorly, making them valuable to investors. As a result, investors do not require high risk premiums to hold these assets.
Shortcomings of the CAPM
The CAPM makes several simplifying assumptions that are necessary to make the model work; however, many of these assumptions are considered overly simplistic or not reflective of the real world. The assumptions of the CAPM break down especially in illiquid, inefficient markets where information may be costly and not available to all investors. We look at seven of these assumptions: 1.
Investors only have financial wealth. Investors have unique income streams and liabilities. Liabilities are often denominated in real terms, and income streams are risky because incomes decline during periods of low economic growth. As a result, both inflation and income growth are important factors. In general, investors have many factors that contribute to wealth, including human capital (or labor income risk).
Investors have mean-variance utility. Mean-variance utility assumes a symmetric treatment of risk. In reality, investors have an asymmetric view of risk, disliking losses more than they like gains, which deviates from the CAPM assumptions. Therefore, in the real world, stocks exhibit different levels of downside risks. Those with higher downside risks should offer higher returns.
Investors have a single period investment horizon. While not a main assumption of the CAPM, a single period restriction does not hold in the real world. In the CAPM, all investors hold the market portfolio, which does not require rebalancing. However, the optimal strategy for long-term investors is to rebalance, which is a multi-period strategy.
Investors have homogeneous (identical) expectations. The assumption that all investors share the same expectations is not realistic in the real world, because investors have heterogeneous (differing) expectations. This can produce significant departures from the CAPM.
3. Markets are frictionless (no taxes or transaction costs). We all know that taxes and
transaction costs affect investor returns; therefore, the CAPM assumption of frictionless markets does not hold in the real world. For illiquid securities, transaction costs can be very high, further heightening the deviations from the CAPM. In addition, investors have heterogeneous beliefs, but they may not be able to fully act on differing expectations if there are trading restrictions (e.g., a prohibition on short selling). When this happens, stock prices reflect only the expectations of those who believe stock prices will rise, causing asymmetries in the market. This is a deviation from the CAPM.
6. All investors are price takers. In the real world, investors are often price setters and not price takers. Large (institutional) investors frequently trade on special knowledge, and large trades will often move the market.
Information is free and available to everyone. In reality, information itself can be a factor. Information is often costly and unavailable to certain investors, which is a deviation from the CAPM.
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